Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Girl Named Ginny

It is the first Sunday of Advent and I'm not very functional and can't get all the work done to make this work.  I need candles for an Advent wreath and decorations and a thousand little details to take care of.  I've got a Sisyphean paper to do that I may not be able to finish.  I may kiss my 4.0 goodbye.  But I'm gonna' try. 

Most things about Christianity turn my stomach these days and that is largely due to so may denominations, mostly Protestant evangelicals, who can't seem to see how much they have confused their religion with political Conservative and would rather do law and conformity than celebrate love, freedom and dignity for all human beings.  It is a sad day when so many Christians have learned how to hate in the name of love; who blame the poor for being poor, calling them lazy and parasitical.  But, as the Bible says, the Lord hears the cries of the poor.

True religion is about compassion.  I did have time to write a song for this first week of Advent.  It is more of a Christmas song than an Advent song, but it dwells on the theme of compassion.  My piano, like me, is old and out of tune, but I'm so glad to have it.  The song takes place back in the days of abolition and well, nuff said.


Anonymous said...

Nice Ken! I always enjoy your offerings and I smiled the whole way through...thanks:)

Anonymous said...

Very timely, Ken. I was just thinking last night about how put off I feel by Christianity most of the time, but I saw a really nice segment on the tv yesterday about some young adults 'finding Jesus' and turning their lives around, and how this guy who was their sort of coach in this, was a really good guy, not judgmental, really compassionate, and he'd been to skid row and back himself. Anyway, it just made me think that there are as many roads to finding peace and happiness in life as there are people, and isn't it nice when people find a road, and I shouldn't begrudge them it because some people have taken that particular path and allowed it to become twisted into a political tool... Anyway, lovely song. Rachel

Nemo said...

Thanks both of you for your comments. I really appreciate your reflective comments Rachel. Really wish we could all get together again some day for a glass of something and a bit more of the wonderful conversations we all used to have. I sincerelly miss you guys.