Saturday, August 13, 2011

Riddle # 21: I have an Eye

I worked on a new riddle this week. I still have a number of other riddles from the 1990’s that I haven’t done anything with. I realized, after I finished, that I may not be altogether original with this riddle. I realized that I might have heard something like it before. This is to the reader’s advantage in that it may make the riddle easier to guess. The originality lies in the song, the use of Greek Mythology and in illustrations.

I think I have reached the limits of my technology. I want better programs: like something more than Window’s Paint Program, and a good animation program, and better sound equipment and a computer with more RAM and faster processing and lots and lots of memory—oh, and while we’re at it a really expensive video camera. I also want a new guitar, along with musicians and vocalists and the consultation from a producer in the film industry.

A wish list is a wish list.

I hope you enjoy the riddle:

I have an eye, but I cannot see
One hump, two humps
Pass through me.
But Heaven help the rich man!
What could I be?
Clotho, Liechesis, Atropos
Must have me to make their clothes

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