Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Snowy Day

I don't really care much for winter as a season. The bitter cold and the dark kind of get to me. But there is something very satisfying about heavy snow that seems to never stop; snow that settles in deep blankest on everything, making lace on the trees; snow that sparkels in the street lights and crunches under my feet. Once you get used to driving in it, it can even be fun to drive in. I can turn a corner at almost a right angle. I feel so warm, inside and very relaxed. I watch it drift down and I allow its hypnotic effects charm me into a state of peace. I thought I'd take you, where ever you are in the world--Abu Dhabi, Ireland, Canada, England, India, Boston, Indianapolis, Bloomington, Washington DC, China, Mexico--as long as you can see this blog, I'm taking you with me on a walk with me through the snow, just for fun.

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