Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sassafras Dreams

There is a boy with long blond hair
And blue-sky eyes
Lean with skin that doesn’t tan
T-shirt tied around his waist and wading
In a creek that he pronounces “krick”
The water and the clay say “stay with me
The minnows and the tadpoles say “stay with me

He swings on a grape vine
And taunts the ravine and the boulders fifty feet below
As he hangs by one hand
The wind cools his skin and dries his sweat
Crows caw in the branches above
The crows and the wind say, “stay with me
The bark, the leaves and the vines say “stay with me

He troubles an old opossum and catches crawdads
He throws his pocket knife at a stump for hour after hour
On a day where the sun never seems to set
He is Wild in the Wild and nothing will tame him
And that is what the Wild wants
As the opossum, the crawdads, and the stump say, “stay with me
As the Wild itself says “stay with me

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