This is is from one of the Christmas stories called "Chirstmas Island" I never finished the illustration and I haven't put the story on the blog just yet |
Careem, a Maldive prince who became Peter's closest friend and spiritual twin. |
Most of these illustrations are from the--well--epic adventure called, "the Commodore's Journey" If you can imagine a ballad going on for about a hundred pages and is still unfinished that's how long it is. As for the look of the illustrations, I was hoping that they would have a sort of woodcut look to them--at least that was what I was going for. The idea being that this story takes place sometime between 1750 to about the time of the American Revolution so a woodcut seemed appropriate. If I could make them look more like scrimshaw, I would--that would be far more appropriate.
The Tower Black This is deep down in the caves below the iceshelves of the antarctic. It is the setting for the climax of the Commodore's Journey |